The team at CBD Media came across this interesting article on MyEasyDose who are doing some very exciting things in the virtual online world of pharmacy and health coaching of their patients. With their consent, we have...
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Most people in Australia know you can’t recycle a plastic shopping bag but what about a take away coffee lid or a bottle top. Ask most people and they will say they...
The team are delighted to have Sally Hillmans permission to publish for our readers her just released top ten champagnes list of 2024. You can view her website and array of champagne gifts including beautiful champagne glasses and red wine glasses here:
Cafe World is a fun simulation game that allows players a chance to run their own cafes online, playing with their friends and co-workers. It's completely free to play, and is played as an application on Facebook,...
Is there such a thing as a positive work environment? I have served in companies where there is a positive environment. I have also worked in offices where there is negative environment, and I have worked in...
Jogging is a form of exercise that benefits your whole body - not just on a particular part of your body like most gym exercises. Jogging helps increase flexibility and stamina; our muscles become strong from routine...
The majority of women color their hair at least once in their lifetime. Some women use hair color because they start to see the signs of grey hairs in the mix on their head, and some women...
Under normal circumstances, exercising one's body would not be necessary. Man, like every other animal, was meant to live in nature, have plenty of fresh air, and be involved in enough physical activity to keep the body...
In an exclusive interview with Eleven Media, Pacific Mortgage Group confirmed post the Reserve Bank of Australia’s August policy statement the strong enquiry levels for their low interest rates mortgages.
Gardening is making a comeback. It has been a source of food for ages. One of the main advantages of having your own vegetable garden is being able to eat fresh vegetables right out of your own...